suxxesso Test Cockpit is the central component of suxxesso Tool Suite for test management. Test plans, test execution and evaluation are executed by the test manager and are the central part of operative test activities.
Key features
• Administration of test plans
• Convenient assignment of test cases to test plans by means of drag and drop
• Filter-capabilities for convenient administration of test tasks
• Parameterization of test cases at test plan, test folder and test case level
• Role-based execution of test plans, folders and test cases
• Ad-hoc execution of test plans
• Execution scheduling
• Detailed HTML reports
• Optional video documentation of each test case
Planning tests
It is easy and convenient to create and administrate test plans for different test
scenarios quickly.
Create test plans for different application purposes, whether smoke test or complete system test.
Test cases can easily be added to test plans via drag and drop. The execution of the test cases can be controlled through parameters, in order to switch between plants, company codes, etc. without any effort.
Execution anf Reporting
Test plans can either be initiated manually, via command line, or they can be scheduled.
The number of test executions is individually adjustable.
During the test run, a live cockpit provides all relevant information to the current status of the transaction.
Upon completion of the test run, a detailed reporting will be created automatically, indicating whether the test case was successful or if it has failed.
Additionally, a screen recording of the test run can be activated to guarantee a simpler error analysis.