Good preparation is the secret to everything
Giving away internal details
Usability, intuitive handling, affordance, adequacy of the task – these are all important concepts for a poeple-centered, user friendly software.
We take credit for implementing a powerful and in test automation for SAP specialized software with our suxxesso Tool Suite, with due regard to the current UX design concepts. Our defined goal is that as of now „test automation non-professionals” can record their processes without a large preknowledge as well.
But is this enough for a successful implementation of test automation?
Organization is a great goal (and particularly in preparation)
Over the course of the workshops with our clients, first questions arise during the preparation steps: „How can I create a workspace? I don´t have access to the common drive! The scripting is not activated!“
At the latest, once the first test case has to be saved, the next questions arise: „How should I name my test case? Serially numbered or long text?”
We recommend a thorough preparation to avoid the feeling as if test automation were resource-consuming or a necessary evil:
- Complete installation of suxxesso Tool Suite (including all necessary licenses)
- Allocation of all necessary SAP permissions
- Definition of workspaces and allocation of reading and writing permissions
- Clarification of organizational specifications and responsibilities
Once these basic requirements are met, happy automating can start!
Paradigm shift manual vs. automated testing
„I have to decide how my process proceeds. Depending on which test data is available, …”. Are you acquainted with this situation in testing? When testing manually, this is no problem – test data set the agenda in which direction your tested processes will go. The specification of the current test data determines thus the validity of your tests and your test coverage – do you really want to proceed in this manner?
Methodically, this „flexible“ approach which is dependent on test data is not state of the art in automated testing.
A precise process will be recorded and documented that follows an exact, prespecified path. Diversions and decision trees within the test cases and the test execution are not desirable. Specific test data set-ups will be required which should deliver defined results in order to allow a successful verification.
Only thus an objective and stable evaluation of test results is possible.
Test automation requires often a rethinking with regard to the definition of test cases, the distinction of test cases and the description of test cases.
Kick-off workshop for the implementation of test automation in your company
These and many other topics arise in the course of workshops with our clients. These workshops don´t only serve as mere knowledge transfer for our tools or just help customers to become familiar with the handling of our tools, but also give room for organizational, methodical and any further questions concerning the topic of test automation. You will benefit as participants from these workshops since we can answer any questions and problems encountered through best practice examples and our long-term experience as you record test cases in your familiar systems. In this way we can assist you optimally in the implementation of test automation in your company and you can save relevant resources through avoiding unnecessary “beginner´s mistakes”.
If you as well want to start your test automation project accompanied by experts, then contact us for a Workshop ! We are happy to assist you.